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New posts in pragma

Is there a way to unroll loops in an AMD OpenCL kernel with the compiler?

Is there something comparable to #pragma message?

c# pragma

Discouraged pragma use GCC

c++ gcc pragma

Is #pragma directive compiler dependent?

c pragma

Haskell: GADT with UNPACK Pragma

haskell ghc pragma unpack gadt

Diferences between pragmas simd and ivdep vector always?

c++ vectorization pragma icc

Why is #pragma considered a preprocessor directive?

c preprocessor pragma

Conditional "pragma omp"

c macros openmp pragma

SQLite3 pragma synchronous not persistent

sqlite pragma

How do I implement a macro that creates a quoted string for _Pragma?

c macros pragma stringify

Need some clarification on #pragma once

When to use include guards or #pragma once C++ [closed]

Using #pragma to suppress “Instance method not found” warnings in Xcode

xcode gcc warnings llvm pragma

Suppress "does not implement protocol" warning in GCC

xcode gcc warnings pragma

Haskell / GHC: {-# SPECIALIZE #-} Causes 'RULE left-hand side too complicated to desugar' Warning

haskell ghc pragma

How widely supported is pragma weak, and does it overcome the issues of using gcc attribute?

c gcc pragma

How Pragma UDF works?

oracle plsql pragma

-Wundef is not being ignored with pragma in g++

Is there any way to enable for(int i=0; ... in gcc without having to turn on c99 mode

c gcc for-loop c99 pragma

Difference between __pragma(deprecated) and __declspec(deprecated)

c windows pragma