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echo [uint32]::maxvalue says 'uint32::maxvalue' instead of 4294967295


Can I have powershell scripts in file with no extension?


Powershell 2.0 Max Number of Arguments

Power Shell in x86 process - Access 64 bit program files

Capture output of a batch file in powershell script

powershell powershell-1.0

Remove a set of XML elements with Powershell

xml powershell nodes

Cannot import modules in Powershell


Convert the result of select to array


How do I parse data from a Get-WMIObject query into a string?

powershell wmi

ant command from powershell - dot used as delimiter for parameter?

powershell ant

Increasing an number in PowerShell with Regular Expressions

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How to grant permission to private key from powershell

powershell cng

Get Disk IO performance counter


Why can't I get the Jenkins Powershell plugin to work?

Powershell select-string returns different values depending on number of matches

Passing a hashtable from C# to PowerShell

c# powershell hashtable

Error executing SQL script via SMO in PowerShell

sql-server powershell smo

powershell, write-host all filenames of the files

Download powershell (.ps1) file via ASP.NET

How to write a PowerShell advanced function that can work with both piped in objects and objects get from parameter value?