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powershell, write-host all filenames of the files

I am now better in writing, stealing and modifying scripts but here I am a stuck a little. My script sums up files in a specific folder and counts them. Like this :

function alljournals 
$colItems =  (get-childitem  "$targetfolder" -include *.xlsx* -recurse | measure-object -property length -sum)
write-host "Collected all .xlsx files from all ImportJournal folders" -foregroundcolor "green"
"Number of files: "+ $colItems.count + [Environment]::NewLine + "Size of all files "+"{0:N2}" -f ($colItems.sum / 1MB) + " MB" 

What's the smartest way to list all files from that folder using write-host? I tried to put a write-host $colitems.Fullname without good results.

I know that I could easily put the files in a loop and than use foreach and display the filename. But for that I have to change everything. So is there a way?

Right now it displays something like that :

Collected all .xlsx files from all Importjournalfolders
Number of files 15
Size of all files: 13,3mb

What I need before that output is a list of all files with path

Any Ideas or tips ?

like image 846
RayofCommand Avatar asked Feb 15 '23 10:02


1 Answers

You could capture the list of files in the first pipeline using tee-object, and then use foreach on that.

$colItems =  (get-childitem  "$targetfolder" -include *.xlsx* -recurse | tee-object -variable files | measure-object -property length -sum)
$files | foreach-object {write-host $_.FullName}
like image 101
Mike Shepard Avatar answered Feb 23 '23 16:02

Mike Shepard