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New posts in powershell-1.0

Set a location to a Variable in PowerShell

Capture output of a batch file in powershell script

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How can I change the IP address of all sites in IIS6 using powershell 1.0?

Can I use PowerShell 1.0 to list processes along with their PIDs and Command Lines?

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Using powershell to edit multiple XML files

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Get-Item fails with closed pipeline error

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Is there any easy way to check backward compatibility for powershell scripts?

Using PowerShell with .NET 3.5 runtime/libraries

Get-ChildItem recurse as a parameter in PowerShell

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Powershell remoting with V1

Size of the sorted file is double than original file in powershell

Capturing Powershell output in C# after Pipeline.Invoke throws

Why is Powershell ISE showing errors that Powershell console does not show?

Can't get basic Powershell script running inside Team City

Write-Host => Export to a file

PowerShell script to move files and folders including subfolders from one location to another older than x days

PowerShell: how to count number of rows in csv file?

PowerShell generic collections

How to perform keystroke inside powershell?

Copy-Item copies directory as well as contents to UNC path