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How to measure the build execution time?

Powershell and network paths


Why do I get this output in PowerShell sort -unique Count


How do I return a custom object in Powershell that's formatted as a table?


Use Get-Member for reflection

Powershell: 'The fully qualified file name must be less than 260 characters'

Powershell: Combine ContainerInherit and ObjectInherit in FileSystemAccessRule?

powershell enums

powershell - how to check existence of one file

powershell powershell-2.0

Retrieve text in HTML with powershell

html regex powershell

Delete files recursively with PowerShell

Powershell Get-Eventlog Filter by Time


Why doesn't psake evaluate my property the way I expect?

powershell psake

Check for DNS record using PowerShell 2.0


Grab a remote users HKLM using Powershell


Passing Variables from C# to Powershell

$string.IndexOf('.') inside powershell function returns method invocation failed

powershell powershell-2.0

try, catch doesent seem to work

powershell powershell-3.0

Powershell Select-Object -match or?


Is there a way to target multiple conditions with a single switch match in PowerShell?


Boolean variable gets returned as an Object[]