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Can't run the 'dir' or 'Get-ChildItem" command from IIS:\ in powershell

iis powershell windows-8

Permission Denied When Trying to Overwrite Hidden File

powershell powershell-3.0

Powershell script to move files into year/month folders based on creation timestamp


Is there a way to convert a powershell string into a hashtable?


Using PowerShell insert string values in SQL Server DB.

How to change a environment variable in PowerShell and launch an application

Do powershell parameters need to be at the front of the script?

function powershell

Get organization Job title in AD using powershell

New-PSDrive inside a module doesn't work

powershell powershell-3.0

Only pass parameter if value supplied

Powershell Check MIME exists in IIS

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PowerShell use regular expression to split a string

regex powershell split

Install hyperv cmdlet on workstation

powershell hyper-v

Switch parameters and powershell.exe -File parameter


PowerShell not compatible with MongoDB C# Driver's Methods?

c# mongodb powershell generics

Run a powershell command through AutoHotKey script

No error when selecting non-existing property

Get shortpath using powershell


What exactly does the Resolve-Path cmdlet do?

powershell path

Powershell saying storage account doesn't exist