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Get formatted universal date / time

powershell datetime utc

How to list all running webjobs within an azure subscription using powershell

Check if Solr Core already exists from Command Line

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How do I kill a process in Powershell

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Powershell Copy Files with a Blacklist (Exclude) and a Whitelist (Include)

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Change wallpaper powershell


Convert Base64 string to byte array in .NET (or PowerShell)

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How do I run a *.exe file from PowerShell

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Find version of Chrome browser in registry

Powershell Call MSI with Arguments


Azure SQL server set Allow access to Azure services in an ARM template or PowerShell

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Capturing powershell warning

Powershell System.Xml.XmlElement but I use System.Xml.XmlDocument?

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Convert string to PowerShell DateTime

powershell powershell-5.0

Check if File exists in S3 using Powershell

Compare string vs array


Sort in alphabetical order with lowercase before uppercase?

powershell sorting output

How to effectively use the `-Filter` parameter on Active Directory cmdlets?

Azure Web App FTP 550 Access Denied

select-object -expandproperty with null property

powershell select-object