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New posts in powershell-5.0

Export Powershell 5 enum declaration from a Module

How to turn off syntax highlighting in console?

PowerShell type accelerators: PSObject vs PSCustomObject

How to run the .reg file using PowerShell?

The term 'Invoke-WebRequest' is not recoginzed as the name of a cmdlet

How to export a class in a PowerShell v5 module

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Set-Content appends a newline (line break, CRLF) at the end of my file

Write-Host vs Write-Information in PowerShell 5

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PowerShell 5.1 - How to uninstall module which is currently use

List file names in a folder matching a pattern, excluding file content

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Iterating through a JSON file PowerShell

Making a PowerShell POST request if a body param starts with '@'

How do I force powershell to reload a custom module?