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How to run the .reg file using PowerShell?

I want to run the .reg file (registry file) using PowerShell Script but I am not able to run it. When i run it manually it creates the respective nodes in registry but i want it execute using powershell script. Below is the code which i tried using but got no results -

regedit /s $PathofRegFile

Another code which i tried was this -

Start-Process -filepath "C:\windows\regedit.exe" -argumentlist "/s c:\file.reg"

Please Help..!

Below is the Content of my .reg file

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00





"TRACEDIR"="Specifies the directory to dump trace files if TRACEON is set to 1"

"SSMITRACEFILEX"="C:\\Program Files\\SePI\\STEP\\LogFiles\\SSMITraceFile.txt"
"ResourceFile"="C:\\Program Files\\SePI\\STEP\\Programs\\"
"KSPath"="C:\\Program Files\\SePI\\STEP\\KeyStore\\"
"InstallationDir"="C:\\Program Files\\SePI\\STEP\\"
"CONFIGPATH"="C:\\Program Files\\SePI\\STEP\\Configuration Files\\"


"PATH"="C:\\Program Files\\SePI\\STEP\\QueryTemplates"


"CONFIGFILE"="C:\\Program Files\\SePI\\STEP\\Configuration Files\\"
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SRP Avatar asked Apr 05 '18 15:04


People also ask

How do I use .reg files?

REG files are text files: Create them within a text editor when you save a file with the . reg extension. On Windows, right-click a REG file and open it with Notepad, or the text editor of your choice, to edit it. To use a REG file, simply open it and its contents will be added to the Windows Registry.

How do I view a .reg file?

To view the contents of a REG file, right-click it in File Explorer and select “Edit.” This will open it in Notepad. Note: If you don't see the “Edit” option, the REG file may be inside a ZIP archive. You may need to extract the REG file from the ZIP archive before continuing.

How do I run a registry script?

Click Start, click Run, type regedit in the Open box, and then click OK. Locate and then click the subkey that holds the registry item or items that you want to change. Click File, and then click Export.

3 Answers

How about using reg.exe instead of regedit.exe

Get-Command reg

CommandType     Name                                               Version    Source
-----------     ----                                               -------    ------
Application     reg.exe                                            10.0.16... C:\Windows\system32\reg.exe

this worked for me fine:

reg import .\test.reg
like image 118
Aurimas N. Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 17:09

Aurimas N.

I use

Invoke-Command {reg import \\server\share\test.reg *>&1 | Out-Null}

the last part

*>&1 | Out-Null

pipes the output to null so the console doesn't see it. I do not think this is required but it annoyed me.

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Drake Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 17:09


You may be trying to run it with insufficient privileges. This snippet should work:

$startprocessParams = @{
    FilePath     = "$Env:SystemRoot\REGEDIT.exe"
    ArgumentList = '/s', 'C:\file.reg'
    Verb         = 'RunAs'
    PassThru     = $true
    Wait         = $true
$proc = Start-Process @startprocessParams

if ($proc.ExitCode -eq 0) {
else {
    "Fail! Exit code: $($Proc.ExitCode)"

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Maximilian Burszley Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 17:09

Maximilian Burszley