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Await async C# method from PowerShell

I want to call a static async C# method from PowerShell by using the static member accessor, such as:


function CallMyStaticMethod([parameter(Mandatory=$true)][string]$myParam)


public static async Task MyStaticMethod(string myParam)
    await ...

Will my C# method run properly without some sort of "await" call from PowerShell since my C# method is async?

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BlueTriangles Avatar asked Jul 06 '18 22:07


3 Answers

It'll run fine on its own, but if you want to wait for it to finish you can use this

$null = [MyNamespace.MyClass]::MyStaticMethod($myParam).GetAwaiter().GetResult()

This will unwrap the AggregateException that would be thrown if you used something like $task.Result instead.

However that will block until it's complete, which will prevent CTRL + C from properly stopping the pipeline. You can wait for it to finish while still obeying pipeline stops like this

 $task = [MyNamespace.MyClass]::MyStaticMethod($myParam)
 while (-not $task.AsyncWaitHandle.WaitOne(200)) { }
 $null = $task.GetAwaiter().GetResult()

If the async method actually returns something, remove $null =

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Patrick Meinecke Avatar answered Oct 17 '22 11:10

Patrick Meinecke

Borrowing from Patrick Meinecke's answer, it's possible to make a pipeline-able function that will resolve a task (or list of tasks) for you:

function Await-Task {
    param (
        [Parameter(ValueFromPipeline=$true, Mandatory=$true)]

    process {
        while (-not $task.AsyncWaitHandle.WaitOne(200)) { }


$results = Get-SomeTasks $paramA $paramB | Await-Task
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JLRishe Avatar answered Oct 17 '22 09:10


I recently ran into this and found that creating a PowerShell job seems to do the trick pretty nicely as well. This gives you the standard job capabilities (Wait-Job, Receive-Job, and Remove-Job). Jobs can be daunting, but this one's pretty simple. It's written in C# so you may need to add it with Add-Type (will require some tweaks to how it's written, Add-Type -TypeDefintition '...' seems to fail when I use lambdas, so they'd need replaced with proper Get accessors) or compile it.

using System;
using System.Management.Automation;
using System.Threading;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
namespace MyNamespace
    public class TaskJob : Job
        private readonly Task _task;
        private readonly CancellationTokenSource? _cts;
        public override bool HasMoreData => Error.Count > 0 || Output.Count > 0;
        public sealed override string Location => Environment.MachineName;
        public override string StatusMessage => _task.Status.ToString();
        public override void StopJob()
            // to prevent the job from hanging, we'll say the job is stopped
            // if we can't stop it. Otherwise, we'll cancel _cts and let the
            // .ContinueWith() invocation set the job's state.
            if (_cts is null)
        protected override void Dispose(bool disposing)
            if (disposing)
        public TaskJob(string? name, string? command, Task task, CancellationTokenSource? cancellationTokenSource)
            : base(command, name)
            PSJobTypeName = nameof(TaskJob);
            if (task is null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(task));
            _task = task;
            _cts = cancellationTokenSource;
        public virtual void OnTaskCompleted(Task task)
            if (task.IsCanceled)
            else if (task.Exception != null)
                Error.Add(new ErrorRecord(
                    ErrorDetails = new ErrorDetails($"An exception occurred in the task. {task.Exception}"),
    public class TaskJob<T> : TaskJob
        public TaskJob(string? name, string? command, Task<T> task, CancellationTokenSource? cancellationTokenSource)
            : base(name, command, task, cancellationTokenSource)
        public override void OnTaskCompleted(Task task)
            if (task is Task<T> taskT)
                // error handling dealt with in base.OnTaskCompleted
                catch { }

After adding this class to your PowerShell session, you can turn a task into a task pretty easily:

$task = [MyNamespace.MyClass]::MyStaticMethod($myParam)
$job = ([MyNamespace.TaskJob]::new('MyTaskJob', $MyInvocation.Line, $task, $null))
# Add the job to the repository so that it can be retrieved later. This requires that you're using an advanced script or function (has an attribute declaration, particularly [CmldetBinding()] before the param() block). If not, you can always make a Register-Job function to just take an unregistered job and add it to the job repository.
# now you can do all this with your task
Get-Job 'MyTaskJob' | Wait-Job
Get-Job 'MyTaskJob' | Receive-Job
Get-Job 'MyTaskJob' | Remove-Job

I will point out I'm not incredibly familiar with tasks, so if anyone sees something that looks bad up there let me know, I'm always looking for ways to improve. :)

A more developed concept can be found in this TaskJob gist.

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Stroniax Avatar answered Oct 17 '22 09:10
