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Can I override a Powershell native cmdlet but call it from my override



In Javascript it is possible to do so, I think. In Powershell I'm not sure how to :

Let's say I want to override every call to write-host with my custom method but at some time I want to execute the native write-host inside my overide. Is it possible to store the native implentation under another name so as to call it later from new implementation ?

Update : it seems to me that the answer https://serverfault.com/a/642299/236470 does not fully answer the second part of my question. How do I store and call the native implementation ?

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user310291 Avatar asked Nov 17 '15 00:11


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Run an old-fashioned command line (cmd.exe), type powershell and execute. Or, you can hit the PowerShell icon on the taskbar. Either way, you'll get a ready-to-use Windows PowerShell console. Use “Get-Help” cmdlet from before as a starting point for your journey.

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A cmdlet -- pronounced command-let -- is a small, lightweight command that is used in the Windows PowerShell environment. A cmdlet typically exists as a small script that is intended to perform a single specific function such as coping files and changing directories.

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2 Answers

Calls to functions will override cmdlets. You can read more on this from about_Command_Precedence on TechNet ...

If you do not specify a path, Windows PowerShell uses the following precedence order when it runs commands:

  1. Alias
  2. Function
  3. Cmdlet
  4. Native Windows commands

So simply making a function of the same name as a native cmdlet will get you what you want.

function Write-Host{
    Process {
        # Executes once for each pipeline object
        If ($string -match "bagels"){
            Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility\Write-Host $string -ForegroundColor Green
            Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility\Write-Host $string

So now write-host works with pipeline input that we can filter with. Calling the "real" cmdlet is as easy as specifying the module in the call. You can see I have done that twice in the above code sample. Some sample usage and output would be the following:

enter image description here

Be careful that you don't forget you have done this if you save it in a profile or something of that nature. Use Get-Command Write-Host whenever in doubt. In my case you can remove the override by calling Remove-Item function:write-host

You can also look into what are called proxy functions but I think that is overkill for what you intend to do.

like image 98
Matt Avatar answered Oct 03 '22 19:10


Yes you can. I have an answer for that here on ServerFault, but since it's a different site I'll copy it since I can't close as duplicate to another site.

Yes, you can override Get-ChildItem or any other cmdlet in Powershell.

Name Your Function The Same

If you make a function with the same name in the same scope, yours will be used.


Function Get-ChildItem {
    # Simulate the parameters here
    # ... do stuff

Using Aliases

Create your own function, and then create an alias to that function, with the same name as the cmdlet you want to override.


Function My-GetChildItem {
    # Simulate the parameters here
    # ... do stuff

New-Alias -Name 'Get-ChildItem' -Value 'My-GetChildItem' -Scope Global

This way is nice because it's easier to test your function without stomping on the built-in function, and you can control when the cmdlet is overridden or not within your code.

To remove the alias:

Remove-Item 'Alias:\Get-ChildItem' -Force
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briantist Avatar answered Oct 03 '22 21:10
