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What is the difference between Text.Split and Text.SplitAny?

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Power Query: transform a column by multiplying by another column

excel powerquery

Get Current Workbook Path - Excel Power Query

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MS Power Query: Create date from month, day, year

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How to Find the Most Current Date From a Column in Power Query - MAX()

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Excel: How to gather unique values in one column that are associated with duplicates in another column?

How to achieve running total with power query?

cumulative-sum powerquery

VBA Wait for refresh of power query to execute next line of code

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Is there an ISNUMBER() or ISTEXT() equivalent for Power Query?


Converting Python REST API Calls to Power Query

How to store credentials in Power BI DataConnector?

PowerBI: Last 3 Non Blank Values from column

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Power Query error in connecting to data source using an encrypted connection


How to refresh report that uses custom functions on Power BI Service?

Store Power Query custom function Online (Github etc..,) and call it

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Excel Power Query - convert date time from UTC to Local

power query (M) create record from a text type column

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WAAD Authentication with WebAPI OData service consumed by Excel PowerQuery

How to Do Countifs/Sumifs in PowerQuery M.Language Formulas?

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How to refer columns in Power Query by index or position?

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