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Always Allow Native DB Queries

excel excel-2013 powerquery

Excel - Power query data refresh via Python

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How to change source of a power query using VBA?

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SUM IF in Power BI

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Select row with MAX value per category Power BI

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How to check whether Connection Refresh was successful

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Delete all queries in a workbook

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Power Query: sort by custom list

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Power Query column name as parameter

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How to get paginated data from API in Power BI

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Is there a short name for Power Query Formula Language (informally known as 'M') that isn't 'M'?

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Power query function optional arguments

excel powerquery

Changing Excel Power Query connection string in C#

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How to set a max run time / timeout for Power Query?

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How do I reference a field name which includes a slash in Power Query


authenticating with Excel Power Query against .Net Odata Web Api

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How to search multiple strings in a string?

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Power Query -> Transform Comma to Period and Obtain Decimal Numbers

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Power Query, make http POST request with form data

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Can't save Excel sheet after adding data if the workbook contains a Pivot table

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