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Changing Excel Power Query connection string in C#

In an Excel Power Query file the data connection can be from a SQL server. We have a large number of files that specify a SQL server by name and this server is going to be decommissioned. We need to update the connection to replace the older server name with the new server name. This is possible by opening the Excel file, browsing to the query and editing the server name manually. Due to the large number of files it is desired to do this using C#. The image below shows the input fields (with the names removed) where you would update this manually.

SQL Connection Form

First by unzipping the Excel file and browsing the contents under the folder xl > connections.xml I would have expected it to specfiy the connection there but it only says $Workbook$

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<connections xmlns="http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/spreadsheetml/2006/main">
  <connection id="1" keepAlive="1" name="Query" description="Connection to the query in the workbook." type="5" refreshedVersion="6" background="1" saveData="1">
    <dbPr connection="Provider=Microsoft.Mashup.OleDb.1;Data Source=$Workbook$;Location=&quot;table&quot;" command="SELECT * FROM [table]"/>

On the MDSN forms there is a reference to this topic and the answer provided by Will Gregg says:

External data source connection information is stored in the XLSX package in a custom part. You can locate the custom part under the customXML folder of the package. For example: customXml\iem1.xml.

Contained in item1.xml is a element. The definition for the element can be found in the [MS-QDEFF]: Query Definition File Format document (https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/mt577220(v=office.12).aspx).

In order to work with the data of the element you will need to decode the contents as described in the [MS-QDEFF]: Query Definition File Format document.

Once the data is decoded, you will need to examine the contents of the PackagePart. Within that package you will find the external data connection information in the Forumlas\Section1.m part.

This is helpful to point me to the item.xml file in the customXml folder but does not give any details on how to decode the information in the DataMashup object. The answer did mention the [MS-QDEFF]: Query Definition File Format document is available at this link from the main article about the query definition format. The information in this document can seem dense and complex at first glance.

On Stack Overflow there are 6 questions that mention DataMashup and 4 of them are related to Power BI, which while similar to this issue are not the same. The links to each of those questions are listed below:

  • how to decode/ get encoding of file (Power BI desktop file)
  • How to edit Power BI Desktop document parameters or data sources programmatically with C#?
  • Is there documentation/an API for the PBix file format?
  • How to update clients' Power BI files without ruining their reports?

The other 2 questions are more relevant as they ask about Excel not Power BI which I will discuss below:

  1. This question asks how to remove Power Query queries' custom XML data using VBA. I do not want to delete the query but rather update the connection string and I would like to do this in C# not VBA. The questions shows the result using the Macro recorder and I do not want to open each Excel file to run a VBA Macro.
  2. This question asks how to find the query information and comes across the same $Workbook$ that I did. In the comment by Axel Richter he says In *.xlsx/customXml/ you will find a item1.xml which contains a DataMashup element which contains a base64Binary which is the binary query definition file. I have no clue how to work with that. That's why only a comment and not a answer. Over a year later an answer was added by Tom Jebo pointing to the Open Specifications details I found as well but does not offer a solution on how to manipulate the DataMashup object. I am adding this as a new question since the this question is looking to solve a little different problem than I am and it is also looking for a solution in JavaScript.

What is the best way to decode the DataMashup object, change the server name, and then save the updated connection back to the Excel file?

In this blog post by Jeff Atwood on July 1, 2011, asking and answering your own questions is encouraged. In addition this page form the Stack Overflow help center address the same issue. I decided to post a full working solution in C# for others to modify and use, hopefully saving them the time of needing to sludge through all the working out I did.

like image 760
ivcubr Avatar asked Jun 17 '19 20:06


People also ask

How do I change the connection string in Excel?

The Workbook Connections dialog box (Select Data > Connections) helps you manage one or more connections to external data sources in your workbook. You can use this dialog box to do the following: Create, edit, refresh, and delete connections that are in use in the workbook.

How do I change the source of a Power Query in Excel?

To change a data source, select it, select Data Source, and then make changes in the dialog box for that data source. This is the same dialog box you see when you first imported the data. Each kind of data source has a different dialog box.

1 Answers

As mentioned in the question, the most helpful document is the [MS-QDEFF]: Query Definition File Format. I will include the most relevant parts of this document here but refer to the original document if needed. Below shows the example XML with the DataMashup provided by Microsoft. This is for a short query but expect something similar if you open up the customXml > item1.xml file.

<DataMashup sqmid="7690c5d6-5698-463c-a560-a0093d4f6332"

The value of this object is encoded in a Base64 string. If you are not familiar with Base 64, this Wikipedia article would be a good place to start. The first step in the solution will be to open the XML document and convert this into its byte representation. This can be done as follows:

string file = @"\customXml\item1.xml"; // or wherever your xml file is
XDocument doc = XDocument.Load(file);

byte[] dataMashup = Convert.FromBase64String(doc.Root.Value);

NOTE: In the full example provided at the bottom of this answer, all the manipulation is done in memory.

From the Microsoft definition document:

Version (4 bytes): Unsigned integer that MUST be set to 0.

Package Parts Length (4 bytes): Unsigned integer that specifies the length of the Package Parts field.

Package Parts (variable): Variable-length binary stream (section 2.3).

Permissions Length (4 bytes): Unsigned integer that specifies the length of the Permissions field.

Permissions (variable): Variable-length binary stream (section 2.4).

Metadata Length (4 bytes): Unsigned integer that specifies the length of the Metadata field.

Metadata (variable): Variable-length binary stream (section 2.5).

Permission Bindings Length (4 bytes): Unsigned integer that specifies the length of the Permission Bindings field.

Permission Bindings (variable): Variable-length binary stream (section 2.6).

Since each field that defines the length of its content is 4 bytes I defined a constant

private const int FIELDS_LENGTH = 4;

Then each of the values defined in this section (quoted from Microsoft) can be found as shown below:

int version = BitConverter.ToUInt16(dataMashup.Take(FIELDS_LENGTH).ToArray(), 0);

int packagePartsLength = BitConverter.ToUInt16(dataMashup.Skip(FIELDS_LENGTH).Take(FIELDS_LENGTH).ToArray(), 0);
byte[] packageParts = dataMashup.Skip(FIELDS_LENGTH * 2).Take(packagePartsLength).ToArray();

int permissionsLength = BitConverter.ToUInt16(dataMashup.Skip(FIELDS_LENGTH  * 2 + packagePartsLength).Take(FIELDS_LENGTH).ToArray(), 0);
byte[] permissions = dataMashup.Skip(FIELDS_LENGTH * 3).Take(permissionsLength).ToArray();

int metadataLength = BitConverter.ToUInt16(dataMashup.Skip(FIELDS_LENGTH * 3 + packagePartsLength + permissionsLength).Take(FIELDS_LENGTH).ToArray(), 0);
byte[] metadata = dataMashup.Skip(FIELDS_LENGTH * 4 + packagePartsLength + permissionsLength).Take(metadataLength).ToArray();

int permissionsBindingLength = BitConverter.ToUInt16(dataMashup.Skip(FIELDS_LENGTH * 4 + packagePartsLength + permissionsLength + metadataLength).Take(FIELDS_LENGTH).ToArray(), 0);
byte[] permissionsBinding = dataMashup.Skip(FIELDS_LENGTH * 5 + packagePartsLength + permissionsLength + metadataLength).Take(permissionsBindingLength).ToArray();

Using the byte[] for the package parts, it represents a Package object from the System.IO.Packaging namespace.

using (MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream(packageParts)) {
    using (Package package = Package.Open(ms, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.ReadWrite)) {
        PackagePart section = package.GetParts().Where(x => x.Uri.OriginalString == "/Formulas/Section1.m").FirstOrDefault();

        string query;
        using (StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(section.GetStream())) {
            query = reader.ReadToEnd();
            // do other replacing, removing of query here
        using (BinaryWriter writer = new BinaryWriter(section.GetStream())) {
            // write updated query back to package part

    packageParts = ms.ToArray();

Finally I need to update the original byte[] with the new information from the updated package.

bytes = BitConverter.GetBytes(version)
doc.Root.Value = Convert.ToBase64String(bytes.ToArray());

Below is the full example for completeness. It is a console application which takes in a directory of files to update as command line arguments and then replaces the old server name with the new server name.

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.IO;
using System.IO.Compression;
using System.Xml.Linq;
using System.IO.Packaging;
using System.Text;

namespace MyApp {
    class Program {
        private const int FIELDS_LENGTH = 4;

        static void Main(string[] args) {
            if (args.Length != 1) {
                Console.WriteLine("specify one directory to update");
            if (!Directory.Exists(args[0])) {
                Console.WriteLine("directory does not exist");

            IEnumerable<FileInfo> files = Directory.GetFiles(args[0]).Where(x => Path.GetExtension(x) == ".xlsx").Select(x => new FileInfo(x));

            foreach (FileInfo file in files) {
                using (FileStream fileStream = File.Open(file.FullName, FileMode.OpenOrCreate)) {
                    using (ZipArchive archive = new ZipArchive(fileStream, ZipArchiveMode.Update)) {

                        ZipArchiveEntry entry = archive.GetEntry("customXml/item1.xml");

                        IEnumerable<byte> bytes;
                        using (Stream entryStream = entry.Open()) {
                            XDocument doc = XDocument.Load(entryStream);

                            byte[] dataMashup = Convert.FromBase64String(doc.Root.Value);
                            int version = BitConverter.ToUInt16(dataMashup.Take(FIELDS_LENGTH).ToArray(), 0);

                            int packagePartsLength = BitConverter.ToUInt16(dataMashup.Skip(FIELDS_LENGTH).Take(FIELDS_LENGTH).ToArray(), 0);
                            byte[] packageParts = dataMashup.Skip(FIELDS_LENGTH * 2).Take(packagePartsLength).ToArray();

                            int permissionsLength = BitConverter.ToUInt16(dataMashup.Skip(FIELDS_LENGTH * 2 + packagePartsLength).Take(FIELDS_LENGTH).ToArray(), 0);
                            byte[] permissions = dataMashup.Skip(FIELDS_LENGTH * 3).Take(permissionsLength).ToArray();

                            int metadataLength = BitConverter.ToUInt16(dataMashup.Skip(FIELDS_LENGTH * 3 + packagePartsLength + permissionsLength).Take(FIELDS_LENGTH).ToArray(), 0);
                            byte[] metadata = dataMashup.Skip(FIELDS_LENGTH * 4 + packagePartsLength + permissionsLength).Take(metadataLength).ToArray();

                            int permissionsBindingLength = BitConverter.ToUInt16(dataMashup.Skip(FIELDS_LENGTH * 4 + packagePartsLength + permissionsLength + metadataLength).Take(FIELDS_LENGTH).ToArray(), 0);
                            byte[] permissionsBinding = dataMashup.Skip(FIELDS_LENGTH * 5 + packagePartsLength + permissionsLength + metadataLength).Take(permissionsBindingLength).ToArray();

                            // use double memory stream to solve issue as memory stream will change
                            // size when re-saving the data mashup object
                            using (MemoryStream packagePartsStream = new MemoryStream(packageParts)) {
                                using (MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream()) {
                                    using (Package package = Package.Open(ms, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.ReadWrite)) {
                                        PackagePart section = package.GetParts().Where(x => x.Uri.OriginalString == "/Formulas/Section1.m").FirstOrDefault();

                                        string query;
                                        using (StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(section.GetStream())) {
                                            query = reader.ReadToEnd();
                                            // do other replacing, removing of query here
                                            query = query.Replace("old-server", "new-server");
                                        using (BinaryWriter writer = new BinaryWriter(section.GetStream())) {

                                    packageParts = ms.ToArray();

                                bytes = BitConverter.GetBytes(version)
                                doc.Root.Value = Convert.ToBase64String(bytes.ToArray());

NOTE: As I only needed to update the Package Parts part, I can confirm this decoding / encoding works but I did not test the the decoding / encoding of the Permissions, Metadata, or Permissions Binding. If you need to use these this should at least get you started.

NOTE: This code does not catch errors or handle every case. It is meant to be a working example of how to update the connections in a Power Query file. Feel free to adapt this as you need.

like image 129
ivcubr Avatar answered Nov 03 '22 06:11
