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Store Power Query custom function Online (Github etc..,) and call it

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Excel Power Query - convert date time from UTC to Local

How do I create a report with subtotals and a grand total in Power BI?

power query (M) create record from a text type column

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Sankey-diagram PowerBI custom visual with color nodes and ordering

Can I switch my Google Analytics property from GA4 to UA?

PowerBI: Split column in to separate columns


How to calculate cumulative Total and % in DAX?

Power BI convert eight digit yyyymmdd to date using DAX

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Creating a Measure that returns DISTINCT COUNT by Country and Brand in Power BI

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multi-parent hierarchy propagation in SQL/DAX

Is it possible to import rdl files into Power BI

Input data directly through Power BI published report

io powerbi

Power BI Dashboard where the core filter condition is a disjunction on numeric fields


DAX get N'th last non-blank value

powerbi dax

Prevent loss of decimal separator when importing CSV in PowerBI

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Stucking on creating connection in model - Power BI

powerbi datamodel

How to Do Countifs/Sumifs in PowerQuery M.Language Formulas?

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Multiple IF Statements in DAX

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