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New posts in postgresql-9.2

How can I optimize this query (or is there a better way)?

PostgreSQL - filter database list

Error cannot load 'pg' gem on local windows 7 Ruby on Rails

Error in PostgreSQL: right sibling's left-link doesn't match: block 5 links to 8 instead of expected 2 in index "pg_toast_2619_index"

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How to read PostgreSQL wal file data? Is there is any command to convert PostgreSQL binary to readable text format?

postgresql postgresql-9.2

Can't store array in json field in postgresql (rails) can't cast Array to json

plpgsql Error: RETURN cannot have a parameter in function returning void

How to find whether unique key constraint exists for given columns

capture final SQL query generated by hibernate JPA in JBoss AS 7

How to find the character in nth position in a string

How to write a function that returns text or integer values?

Return rows matching elements of input array in plpgsql function

using now() as default value in tztsrange in postgresql 9.2

postgresql postgresql-9.2

Full text search on PostgreSQL

How to count records for each day in a date range

Rename all columns from all tables with specific column name in PostgreSQL?

PostgreSQL find locks including the table name

Slow count(*) on postgresql 9.2

postgresql postgresql-9.2

Convert a postgres db schema to a json format

json postgresql-9.2

How to insert data into table using stored procedures in postgresql