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New posts in polymorphic-associations

rails 3 polymorphic association with paperclip and multiple models

Polymorphic associations in CakePHP2

Database best practices

Polymorphic relationships vs separate tables per type

rails polymorphic association (legacy database)

Laravel Polymorphic Database Seeder Factory

Rails 4 Polymorphic associations and concerns

is there a way to eager load polymorphic association's associations?

RoR: has_one "or the other"? (Or, polymorphism without the inheritance.)

Why is the source_type for this polymorphic association always 0?

Rails Polymorphic association with form collection_select without nesting

Rails 3 - Nested resources and polymorphic paths: OK to two levels, but break at three

Polymorphic Association with multiple associations on the same model

JPA polymorphism association with multiple tables

After upgrading to Rails 4.1, new polymorphic associations are invalid when saving them along with their parent


What is the rule to create a polymorphic field name in Laravel?

What is the best way to keep this schema clear?