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New posts in polymorphic-associations

Specify foreign key on one column and the value of another column

Can "touch" be used on a belongs_to polymorphic relationship in Rails?

Laravel Eloquent relationship between one Model and Many Models as MorphOne?

MySQL: Two n:1 relations, but not both at once

Rails model with two polymorphic has_many through: associations for object tagging

What is the Rails way to work with polymorphic associations?

RoR Achievement System - Polymorphic Association & Design Issues

Dynamic Foreign Keys - How To Implement?

polymorphic_path for custom collection route

Changing an existing has_many relation to polymorphic in Rails 3

Testing polymorphic associations with RSpec

How to specify a polymorphic association in a fixture

rails joins polymorphic association

Polymorphic association to different owner objects in Doctrine 2

Rails polymorphic naming convention

Rails 4: combining has_many :through association with polymorphic association

rails get all associated classes of a polymorphic class

Creating multiple polymorphic records at once rails