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Is it possible to determinate at run time is pointer points to C++ class or at Objective-C class?

Array of struct pointers, invalid initializer error, in C

C++ OpenGL wireframe cube rendering blank

c++ opengl pointers glew glfw

Avoid object slicing for non-virtual destructors

pointer to pointer versus a pointer

c pointers

Crashing on strcpy, not sure why?

C++ smart pointers address

c++ pointers smart-pointers

char pointer is struct array memory leak

Pointers vs. References in C++ function arguments [duplicate]

c++ pointers

Golang: unsafe dynamic byte array

arrays pointers dll go

Returning a pointer to a class within a class

c++ class pointers return

How to copy a char pointer into a char array? [duplicate]

c string pointers arrays

Define a templated T as pointer

c++ pointers

What is the difference between a void* and *(void**)?

c++ pointers

Explaining pointers to a Javascript developer


Why can't I do polymorphism with normal variables?

On MSP430, what will happen when I dereference a null pointer?

C/C++: What's faster: a for loop, or incrementing a pointer

c++ c performance loops pointers

Is the pointer guaranteed to preserve its value after `delete` in C++?

lvalue required as unary ‘&’ operand

c pointers