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ORA-06511: PL/SQL Cursor already open

Monitoring long-running PL/SQL block

How to create Tab Delimited Select statement?

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Getting the value that fired the Oracle trigger

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Execute a pl/sql function with OracleCommand

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Oracle equivalent of Java's Varargs

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Get SQL Plus to display more detailed errors

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Returning multiple values after insert

oracle plsql

How can print out the current time with DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE?

What is the perfect toolbox for PL/SQL development?

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Update only date on datetime field on Pl/SQL

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ORACLE PL/SQL: Functions and Optional Parameters, How?

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Loop through an explicit cursor in Oracle

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Generate test data using Oracle PL/SQL developer

Oracle PL/SQL: Any benefits in changing PLSQL_CODE_TYPE from interpreted to native?

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how to fetch, delete, commit from cursor

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Passing arguments to oracle stored procedure through scheduler job

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How do I CAST a NUMBER to VARCHAR2 in Oracle?

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