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truncate and insert within procedure don't work together

oracle dynamic plsql

PL/SQL: How to create type from cursor

oracle types plsql record

Calling an Oracle procedure with a PL/SQL collection type parameter via .NET

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exception is not coming with sql max function

Why or condition is working differently compare with Java and SQL

NO_DATA_FOUND exception not thrown when used in SELECT INTO

an INTO clause is expected in this SELECT statement when working with PLSQL


How to create RGB-Value in PL/SQL?

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Oracle SQL - SELECT query locks index & blocks DML sessions

ORACLE update with returning OLD and NEW values

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ROWNUM as a pseudo column equivalent in T-SQL?

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Alternative for a cursor

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What happens when a procedure executed by a JOB is not finished when is time for the JOB to execute it again?

Explain SQL query using UML diagram? [closed]

Is this implementation SQL-92 conformant?

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How do I load OS Variables into PL/SQL?

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PL/SQL passing functions as parameters

SQL to Determine if Current Week is Week Containing N Friday of Month

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Get a parameter's name

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APEX: Download BLOB from temporary table

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