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Multiple updates in execute immediate

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TOO_MANY_ROWS raised, but variable still gets a value

oracle plsql oracle11g

When is FOR EACH ROW not needed in a BEFORE INSERT TRIGGER in Oracle?

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How to view the type of a variable in PL/SQL dynamically?

How to get result table from Region Source SQL Select Statement in Plugin SQL Source Code?

cursor loop and continue statement : unexpected behaviour

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how to call a stored procedure from another stored procedure in oracle

ORACLE PL/SQL: Dynamic SQL Select using a Collection

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Pros/cons using cursor approach vs. begin-end-exception approach for single-row queries in PL/SQL

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drop tablespace if do not exist

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How to minimize the coupling/dependency between physical DDL changes and PL/SQL changes?

oracle plsql ddl ora-06502

Not able to compile PL/SQL with BULK COLLECT and FORALL

HAndling Exception when user cancels procedure ORA-01013

Pass select statement to Oracle PLSQL

oracle plsql

How do you select into a nested type in oracle pl/sql?

oracle plsql oracle11g

Generate a Properties File using Shell Script and Results from a SQL Query

Shell script embedding Oracle PL/SQL code defining bind variable

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ORA-00900: invalid SQL statement- when run a procedure in oracle 10g

Why am I getting ORA-06592: CASE not found while executing CASE statement in PL/SQL?

oracle plsql

Why does a connect by expression in a FOR loop, execute only once?

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