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docker-compose use pipe in command

pipe docker-compose

Passing argument to another instance of the same application

c# arguments pipe instance msmq

angular - custom pure pipe as singleton instance?

angular pipe

stdin is missing for any process I pipe into which uses Windows ftype and assoc mechanism to select the correct executable

Send a EOF in a pipe without closing it

pipe gnuplot eof

Redirecting stdout to pipe in C

c redirect fork pipe stdout

What is the simplest way to run a script when an email is received?

Gnuplot: performance plotting data via a pipe

gnuplot pipe

Buffering to the hard disk

c++ windows buffer pipe

Is there a way to automatically close certain handles on a fork()?

posix fork pipe handle

Piping emails through cPanel and PHP [closed]

php email pipe cpanel

Running Perl-Script from Java (embedded in Perl)

java perl pipe eof

Possible race condition with piped output from multiple tee recipients arriving out-of-sequence on a named pipe in a BASH script

How to make a program in a pipe not to be executed until the first data arrive without tempfile?

bash curl pipe

Capture the output of a process in Julia

pipe julia ipc stdout