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PHP: Copy On Write and Assign By Reference perform different on PHP5 and PHP7

php php-internals

Compare PHP Arrays Using Memory References

php arrays php-internals

Why `mysqli_query()` returns null? How can i figure it out?

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What is the difference between Mysqlnd, PDO and PDO_Mysql extensions in php?

What was PHP's "o" serialization format for?

How do I compile a PHP extension with Microsoft Visual C++ 2008?

SEG Fault in PHP extension

How to return array from a PHP extension, without copying it in memory?

PHP Generators - Garbage Collection

puzzling php parser error

php parsing php-internals

Duplicate array keys (Notice: member variable "a" returned from __sleep() multiple times)

Is there ever a need to use ampersand in front of an object?

PHP Performance : Copy vs. Reference

PHP's MySQL Cursor implementations and how they manage memory

php mysql php-internals

Writing a C++ extension for PHP 5.4, example code is obsolete

What is the reasoning behind the refusal of PHP to accept the return types in this simple situation?

Why is file_get_contents faster than memcache_get?

how to check php function source code using eclipse

php eclipse php-internals

Why is in_array strict mode on integers slower than non-strict mode?

php php-internals