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New posts in phone-call

Is there a new, official API for rejecting calls on Android?

What info can I get during a phone call using the Android API?

android phone-call

Java API to make a phone call [closed]

java phone-call

Android: Make phone call from service

android phone-call

Is it possible to simulate a phone call on iPhone simulator?

Trigger an audio file when call is answered

android audio phone-call

IOS 7 - 2 digits phone number not working

Android Phone Call UI - Change

Android play audio file during phone call [duplicate]

android audio phone-call

Track a phone call duration

Android Media Recording: java.lang.RuntimeException: start failed

How does a Android "OS" detect a incoming call

Intent to be fired when a call ends?

Play audio file when receiving the call [duplicate]

android audio phone-call

Reject a call programmatically without a ring

Hide dtmf tone while dialing

android phone-call dtmf

How to record call in android? Is it possible?

Android: Can you send/receive data along a phonecall?

android phone-call

MediaPlayer Does not stop when a phone call is received

How to make a call programmatically in android [duplicate]