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Is it possible to simulate a phone call on iPhone simulator?

I am building an app that will make a phone call. How can I test this feature on the simulator? I get no response when I call openURL. Though of course this does work on the actual device.

Also is it possible to know whether the iPhone is currently in calling mode?

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iXcoder Avatar asked Dec 15 '10 07:12


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Run the call simulatorClick the Simulate Call tab. Enter a destination number or SIP address in the Phone Number or Address field and press the return key on your physical keyboard.

What is simulate call?

Call Simulator™ is an AI-powered, fully immersive scenario-based training platform, designed to be integrated directly into leading call center software. This makes Call Simulator™ the first solution to hone both Active Listening and software skills simultaneously. Schedule A Demo. Download More Information.

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1 Answers

Sorry Pal. You cannot check it in on a simulator.

All the best.

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Warrior Avatar answered Oct 14 '22 11:10
