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Firebase : How to Check Count of Users on a Specific App Version from Firebase Console

I would like to know how to check count of Users on a specific app version from firebase console (30 day active). For Example, our mobile app has 5 versions/releases. Need the result as per following.

Version       Count
3.1.5        250021
3.1.4         45332
3.1.3          4452
3.1.2            24
3.1.1             0 

-- Update

I managed to get some information in latest updated version for firebase console where app version wise dashboard was available.

Is it possible to get some specific app page field value for users running their app on any specific version e.g. 3.1.2 for past 30 days, 7 days and last day ??

like image 927
khalidmehmoodawan Avatar asked Jan 23 '20 05:01


People also ask

How does Firebase identify a user?

Auth tokensCreated by Firebase when a user signs in to an app. These tokens are signed JWTs that securely identify a user in a Firebase project. These tokens contain basic profile information for a user, including the user's ID string, which is unique to the Firebase project.

What is Appcheck in Firebase?

App Check and Firebase Authentication are complementary parts of your app security story. Firebase Authentication provides user authentication, which protects your users, whereas App Check provides attestation of app or device authenticity, which protects you, the developer.

How do I track the number of downloads in Firebase?

To see raw download numbers, look in Google Play Developer Console or in iTunesConnect. Additionally, Firebase collects first_open events even when your users open the app after updating new versions.

1 Answers

Firebase Analytic's console is severely limited in what it can do.

Connect your Firebase account to google analytics and use "Reporting Beta" and you'll be able to build this exact report.

Here is a screenshot showing the options I selected to put it together.

enter image description here

like image 187
Alex Avatar answered Sep 23 '22 07:09
