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How to use Active Model Serializer without an Active Record Model?

Postgres - the last version 0.14.0 of the "pg" gem gives error

ruby-on-rails postgresql pg

ruby-pg sanitize data before insert

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Rails 4 + PostgreSQL hstore, can't execute "CREATE EXTENSION hstore"

pg gem install fails saying version is too old?

cannot install pg gem, checking for PQconnectdb() in -lpq... no

Postgres WARNING: errors ignored on restore: 59

postgresql heroku pg

gem install pg not working on Mac El Capitan

ARM64 architecture (M1 chip): Cannot install pg gem (using PostgresApp)

Is there a more concise way to check if PGResult is empty?

ruby postgresql pg

error running gem install pg -v '0.15.1'

pg_config, ruby pg, postgresql 9.0 problem after upgrade, centos 5

ruby postgresql gem centos5 pg

PostgreSQL gem for rails won't install, even when both home brew and app are installed

Working on a rails app locally with a remote Postgres connection?

connection.select_value only returns strings in postgres with pg gem

Get records with empty hstore

PG pg_ext load error in rails

ruby-on-rails-4 pg