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New posts in permgen

Is permanent generation part of the heap or does it lies in a different space of itself in jvm

jvm heap-memory permgen

Tomcat 7 getting CreateJavaVM Failed Error

apache jvm tomcat7 permgen

Are Inner Classes lightweight?

When does the perm gen get collected?

JUnit 4 PermGen size overflow when running tests in Eclipse and Maven2

Locating code that is filling PermGen with dead Groovy code

Do I have a JAXB classloader leak

Programmatically fill the JVM Permanent Generation (PermGen) memory region

java classloader permgen

How do I discover what is in the permanent generation

Set the permgen size for the Child JVM processes that Maven will spin off

Doesn't Clojure consume too much perm-gen space?

clojure permgen

java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: PermGen space on web app usage

How do I estimate a class's total permgen memory consumption?

java jvm permgen

Is java PermGen space part of the total VM memory? [duplicate]

java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: PermGen space

java tomcat6 permgen

Java Class (PermGen) Memory Leak (Web Applications) - Generic Solution?

How to interpret the output from "jmap -permstat"?

java permgen jmap

what, besides Class objects, is stored in Perm Gen Space (sun 1.6 VM)?

Interned strings not in permgen?

java string permgen