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New posts in perceptron

Replacing a network of perceptrons by sigmoid neurons

Activation function for multilayer perceptron

Intuition about the kernel trick in machine learning

Multilayer perceptron implementation: weights go crazy

How are neurons in deeper layers capable of making more complex decisions than neurons in shallower/earlier layers?

multi layer perceptron - finding the "separating" curve

Optimal Feature-to-Instance Ratio in Back Propagation Neural Network

Neural Networks normalizing output data

plot decision boundary matplotlib

OpenCV::ML - is it possible to tell openCV which parts of data we want to send to which neuron?

Multilayer-perceptron, visualizing decision boundaries (2D) in Python

Keras correct input shape for multilayer perceptron

Advice for algorithm choice

Setting the number of output nodes in scikit-learn's MLPClassifier

Neural Network: Solving XOR

What's the point of the threshold in a perceptron?

Why won't Perceptron Learning Algorithm converge?

Can a perceptron be used to detect hand-written digits?

implementing a perceptron classifier