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How can I use GetVolumeInformation in Inno Setup?

Why we cannot declare local const variables in inno-setup [Code]?

Inno Setup Section [Run] with condition

inno-setup pascalscript

Launch custom code via tasks in Inno Setup

inno-setup pascalscript

Loading pre-compiled script in RemObjects Pascal Script (Delphi)

delphi pascal pascalscript

Inno Setup Placing image/control on custom page

inno-setup pascalscript

Round / Truncate floating point numbers to N decimal places in Inno Setup Pascal Script

How to return a string from a DLL to Inno Setup?

"Identifier Expected" or "Invalid Prototype" when implementing a scripted constant in Inno Setup

Replace a text in a file with Inno Setup

inno-setup pascalscript

How to define an array in const?

Making an IDE using Pascal Script and SynEdit

Inno Setup syntax - OR, AND

inno-setup pascalscript

How do you find the user-selected install path in Inno Setup?

inno-setup pascalscript

Inno Setup: How to manipulate progress bar on Run section?

How to check if an object is NULL in Inno Setup Pascal Script?

inno-setup pascalscript

How do read and set the value of a checkbox in an InnoSetup wizard page?

Convert Boolean to String with Inno Setup

inno-setup pascalscript

How to split a string in Inno Setup

inno-setup pascalscript

How to show a hyperlink in Inno Setup?