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New posts in partitioning

Techniques for removing old data on Oracle databases

oracle partitioning purge

Foreign keys vs partitioning

Optimizing a Partition Function

Partition or Index large table in SQL Server

Oracle: how to drop a subpartition of a specific partition

When should I repartition an RDD?

Spark Is there any rule of thumb about the optimal number of partition of a RDD and its number of elements?

Puzzle: Need an example of a "complicated" equivalence relation / partitioning that disallows sorting and/or hashing

Recursive-backtracking algorithm for solving the partitioning problem

Dynamic MySQL partitioning based on UnixTime

How to partition an array of integers in a way that minimizes the maximum of the sum of each partition?

spark read partitioned data in S3 partly in glacier

Graph partition algo with Neo4j graph database

graph neo4j partitioning metis

Partitioned table query still scanning all partitions

Difference between shuffle() and rebalance() in Apache Flink

Partition Hive table by existing field?

SQL Server -is a GUID based PK the best practice to support tenant based horizontal partitioning

in postgresql, are partitions or multiple databases more efficient?

postgresql partitioning

Hive 1.1.0 Alter table partition type from int to string

hadoop hive partitioning ddl

how to add columns to existing hive partitioned table?