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Foreign keys vs partitioning

Since foreign keys are not supported by partitioned mySQL databases for the moment, I would like to hear some pro's and con's for a read-heavy application that will handle around 1-400 000 rows per table. Unfortunately, I dont have enough experience yet in this area to make the conclusion by myself...

Thanks a lot!


How to handle foreign key while partitioning

Partitioning mySQL tables that has foreign keys?

like image 458
Industrial Avatar asked Mar 24 '10 23:03


People also ask

What is difference between partition and clustering?

A clustered table works similarly to a partitioned table and is also implemented to increase query performance and save costs. However, unlike a partitioned table where you can only define one partition column, you can configure up to four clustered columns for a table.

What is key partitioning?

A table partitioning key is an ordered set of one or more columns in a table. The values in the table partitioning key columns are used to determine in which data partition each table row belongs. To define the table partitioning key on a table use the CREATE TABLE statement with the PARTITION BY clause.

What is the difference between partitioning and indexing?

Indexes are used to speed the search of data within tables. Partitions provide segregation of the data at the hdfs level, creating sub-directories for each partition. Partitioning allows the number of files read and amount of data searched in a query to be limited.

2 Answers

Well, if you need partitioning for a table as small as 400.000 rows get another database than MySQL. Seriously. By modern standards any table below 1.000.000 rows is normally neglegible in size (not even small), unless you also dont have any index etc. And modern standards are about 10 years old in this regard.

like image 194
TomTom Avatar answered Oct 31 '22 11:10


Well, partition is not a good solution for complicate data model. If you only have 2 to 3 tables depending on each other, you may be able to do it but it is not pretty. Each table must have an column that determine the partition. Then, each table must have a trigger to create the new table, set the foreign key and unique constraint.

For example, audittransaction<- auditentry

Each audittransactionhas 0 to n auditentry. table auditentry contains the foreign key of transaction. Both table have to have column creationDate since it is used for partition both tables.

------ create a trigger to insert audittransaction within the trigger

create or replace function audittransaction_insert_function() 
returns trigger as $$ 

    tablepartition varchar;
    tablename varchar;
    startbounds timestamp;
    endbounds timestamp;                

    tablepartition :=  to_char(date_trunc('month', NEW.whendone), 'YYYYMMDD');  
    tablename := 'audittransaction_' || tablepartition ;        

    if not exists(select * from information_schema.tables where table_name = tablename) then
        startbounds := date_trunc('month', NEW.whendone);
        endbounds := startbounds + cast('1 months' as interval);
        execute 'create table ' || tablename || ' ( CHECK (whendone >= ' || quote_literal(startbounds) || ' and whendone < ' || quote_literal(endbounds)|| ') ) inherits (audittransaction)';
        execute 'ALTER TABLE '||  tablename ||' ADD CONSTRAINT '||tablename||'_unique_id UNIQUE (id)';          
    end if;     
    execute 'insert into ' || tablename || ' (id, operationid, whendone, "comment", ticketid ,transactionid, userid )  values (' || quote_literal(NEW.id) || ',' || quote_literal(NEW.operationid) || ',' || quote_literal(NEW.whendone) || ')';                
    return null; 
END; $$ 
LANGUAGE plpgsql;

create trigger insert_audittrans

----- then, create a trigger for autientry

create or replace function auditentry_insert_function() 
returns trigger as $$ 
    tablepartition varchar;
    tablename varchar;
    startbounds timestamp;
    endbounds timestamp;                

    tablepartition :=  to_char(date_trunc('month', NEW.transactiontimestampgmt), 'YYYYMMDD');   
    tablename := 'auditentry_' || tablepartition ;

    if not exists(select * from information_schema.tables where table_name = tablename) then
        startbounds := date_trunc('month', NEW.transactiontimestampgmt);
        endbounds := startbounds + cast('1 months' as interval);
        execute 'create table ' || tablename || ' ( CHECK (transactiontimestampgmt >= ' || quote_literal(startbounds) || ' and transactiontimestampgmt < ' || quote_literal(endbounds)|| ') ) inherits (auditentry)';
        execute 'ALTER TABLE '||  tablename ||' ADD CONSTRAINT '||tablename||'_unique_id UNIQUE (id)';  
        execute 'ALTER TABLE ' || tablename ||' ADD CONSTRAINT auditentry FOREIGN KEY (audit_transaction_id) REFERENCES audittransaction_'||tablepartition ||'(id)';                
    end if;     
    execute 'insert into ' || tablename || ' (id, audit_transaction_id, eventid, transactiontimestampgmt,timestampgmt, acknowledged, resolved, acknowledgedbyusername, acknowledgeddate,  notificationlevel, resolvedbyusername, resolveddate, severity,  parentauditentry_id )  values (' || quote_literal(NEW.id) || ',' || quote_literal(NEW.audit_transaction_id) || ',' || quote_literal(NEW.eventid) || ','||quote_literal(NEW.transactiontimestampgmt)||')';             
    return null; 
END; $$ 
LANGUAGE plpgsql;

create trigger insert_auditentry before insert on auditentry for each row execute procedure auditentry_insert_function();
like image 35
binaryatwork Avatar answered Oct 31 '22 10:10
