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Why does this simple Left Join return data from unmatched rows?

Please see the simple http://sqlfiddle.com/#!9/e853f/1 for this problem in operation.

I refer to MySQL ver 5.6.12-log

As I understand it, a left join returns NULL for columns in the rightmost dataset where the key in the left dataset does not exist in the right dataset.

However, I am getting data returned from the right hand side even where the left hand key does not exist in the right.

Can anyone explain what is going on here?

The SQLfiddle creates:

  • A table with 6 rows, each containing just an integer ID
  • A second table with 3 rows containing some of those integer IDs plus two more INT fields
  • A view based upon that second table that returns 3 rows containing the integer ID plus a textual field, derived from the two other INT fields

(Obviously, the 3 IDs in the view correspond to some of the IDs in the 6 row table.)

The SQL SELECT * FROM LEFT JOIN ON table_ID = view_ID; returns 6 rows as expected but all of them have data in the textual field instead of the 3 unmatched ones being NULL


If the method used in the view to derive the textual column is slightly altered, then the Left Join SQL gives the correct result. (You can show this by selectively commenting out one or other of the two methods in sql fiddle)

But surely doesn't the optimiser evaluate the view first, so it shouldn't matter how the data is created, just what it contains?

(This s a much simplified version of an earlier question of mine that I admit was rather too complicated to illicit sensible answers)

It has been suggested (Jeroen Mostert)that I show data and expected results. Here it is:

Table person


View payment_state

payment_personID  |   state
       1          |   'equal'
       2          |   'under'
       3          |   'over'


SELECT * FROM  person 
LEFT JOIN   payment_state 
ON personID = payment_personID;

Expected result

personID | payment_personID  |state
    1    |      1            | 'equal'
    2    |      2            | 'under'
    3    |      3            | 'over'
    4    |     NULL          |  NULL
    5    |     NULL          |  NULL
    6    |     NULL          |  NULL

Actual result

personID | payment_personID  |state
    1    |      1            | 'equal'
    2    |      2            | 'under'
    3    |      3            | 'over'
    4    |     NULL          | 'equal'
    5    |     NULL          | 'equal'
    6    |     NULL          | 'equal'
like image 211
user2834566 Avatar asked Mar 23 '18 12:03


People also ask

What happens to unmatched rows with the join operator?

When performing an inner join, rows from either table that are unmatched in the other table are not returned. In an outer join, unmatched rows in one or both tables can be returned.

WHY IS LEFT join giving me more rows?

There are two line items for ID 1003 in the second table, so the result of the join will be 2 line items. So, if your secondary tables have more than one row for the key you're joining with, then the result of the join will be multiple rows, resulting in more rows than the left table.

What does a LEFT join return if there are no matches?

The LEFT JOIN keyword returns all records from the left table (table1), and the matching records from the right table (table2). The result is 0 records from the right side, if there is no match.

Why is my left join returning NULL values?

The SQL LEFT JOIN returns all rows from the left table, even if there are no matches in the right table. This means that if the ON clause matches 0 (zero) records in the right table; the join will still return a row in the result, but with NULL in each column from the right table.

1 Answers

I beg to disagree with other answers. This is a MySQL defect. Actually it is bug #83707 in MySQL 5.6. It looks it's fixed in MySQL 5.7

This bug is already fixed in MariaDB 5.5.

The internal join strategy such as Nested Loop Join, Merge Join, or Hash Join does not matter. The result should be correct in any case.

I tried the same query in PostgreSQL and Oracle and it works as expected, returning null values on the last three rows.

Oracle Example

CREATE TABLE person (personID INT); 

INSERT INTO person (personID) VALUES (1); 
INSERT INTO person (personID) VALUES(2); 
INSERT INTO person (personID) VALUES(3);
INSERT INTO person (personID) VALUES(4);
INSERT INTO person (personID) VALUES(5);
INSERT INTO person (personID) VALUES(6);

CREATE TABLE payments (
   payment_personID INT,
   Due INT,
   Paid INT) ;

INSERT INTO payments  (payment_personID, due, paid) VALUES (1, 5, 5);
INSERT INTO payments  (payment_personID, due, paid) VALUES (2, 5, 3);
INSERT INTO payments  (payment_personID, due, paid) VALUES (3, 5, 8);

CREATE VIEW payment_state AS (
   WHEN COALESCE(paid,0) < COALESCE(due,0) AND due <> 0 THEN 'under' 
   WHEN COALESCE(paid,0) > COALESCE(due,0) THEN 'over' 
   WHEN COALESCE(paid,0) = COALESCE(due,0) THEN 'equal' 
   END AS state 
FROM payments);

ON personID = payment_personID;


========  ================  =====
       1                 1  equal
       2                 2  under
       3                 3  over
       6            <null>  <null>
       5            <null>  <null>
       4            <null>  <null>

Works perfectly!

PostgreSQL Example

CREATE TABLE person (personID INT); 
INSERT INTO person (personID) VALUES

CREATE TABLE payments (
   payment_personID INT,
   Due INT,
   Paid INT) ;

INSERT INTO payments  (payment_personID, due, paid) VALUES
(1, 5, 5), (2, 5, 3), (3, 5, 8);

CREATE VIEW payment_state AS (
   WHEN COALESCE(paid,0) < COALESCE(due,0) AND due <> 0 THEN 'under' 
   WHEN COALESCE(paid,0) > COALESCE(due,0) THEN 'over' 
   WHEN COALESCE(paid,0) = COALESCE(due,0) THEN 'equal' 
   END AS state 
FROM payments);

ON personID = payment_personID;


personid  payment_personid  state
========  ================  =====
       1                 1  equal
       2                 2  under
       3                 3  over
       4            <null>  <null>
       5            <null>  <null>
       6            <null>  <null>

Also, works perfectly!

like image 64
The Impaler Avatar answered Sep 29 '22 08:09

The Impaler