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How to define multiple type of comment block in Parsec

delphi haskell parsec

Is there an haskell EDSL for writing lexers?

haskell parsec alex

Sample grammars in FParsec going beyond the samples?

parsing f# parsec fparsec

How to use Control.Monad.State with Parsec?

haskell parsec

Simply using parsec in python

In Parsec, is there a way to prevent lexeme from consuming newlines?

haskell parsec

A good ocaml parser? [closed]

parsing ocaml parsec

Parsing Indentation-based syntaxes in Haskell's Parsec

ghc-7.10: Non type-variable argument (Use FlexibleContexts to permit this)

haskell ghc parsec

Python implementation of Parsec?

Memory failure when transposing [(K,[V])] to [(V,[K])]

memory haskell parsec

Is there an established way to write parsers that can reconstruct their exact input?

Trivial parsec example produces a type error

haskell parsec

Parsec or happy (with alex) or uu-parsinglib

What's the cleanest way to do case-insensitive parsing with Text.Combinators.Parsec?

haskell parsec

Parsec: Consume all input

haskell parsec

Parse XML in Haskell

xml parsing haskell parsec

Haskell/Parsec: how do I use Text.Parsec.Token with Text.Parsec.Indent (from the indents package)

Parsec.Expr repeated Prefix/Postfix operator not supported

haskell parsec

User state in Parsec

haskell state parsec