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Cloud code: can I use other files besides main.js?


Extending prototype function without overwriting it

how can i update current object in parse.com with javascript?

javascript parse-platform

PFQuery with multiple constraints on one key

ios iphone parse-platform

Which MBaaS platform to use for a specific project: Parse or Google Cloud

How to undo a ParseUser.setPassword() call?

android parse-platform

Parse Rest - Push encode message

Save a date field to Parse : invalid type for key, expected date, but got string

Xcode 7.1 Errors UIAccessibility Errors

NullPointerExcepetion Facebook sdk v4.5.0 when enable Proguard (when try to login using Parse library)

Contextual type 'AnyObject' cannot be used with array literal

swift parse-platform

Sending a Push Notification from one user to another user with Parse

Extra push notification sent to Android device

How To Create An App That Allows For Profile Picture Upload/Change?

Parse + mongodb + SSL: "no SSL certificate provided by peer"

mongodb ssl parse-platform

Images from Parse Not Loading On iOS 9

What is your workflow for testing Cloud Code on Parse?

Parse and Facebook SDK "Bolts" Framework error