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New posts in p3p

IE8 - IE10 cross domain JSONP cookie headache

safari does not allowed cross-domain cookies in iframe


Cannot set cookies in IFRAME in IE, even with P3P header

how do I stop sinatra from re-writing my header names?

How to run appCmd in PowerShell to add custom headers to the Default Web Site

P3P and PHP session problem with iframes in Internet Explorer 9

php internet-explorer-9 p3p

Iframe Facebook application and cookies [Internet Explorer]

P3P Policy not working to allow 3rd party cookies in IE

internet-explorer p3p

Anyone knows what the code snippet means below?

php http-headers p3p

iFrames + Google Analytics + Cookies + P3P

p3p header on GAE (Google App Engine)

google-app-engine p3p

User Getting Logged out in IE when closing browser

Iframe, cross-domain cookies, p3p policy, and safari with error: A required anti-forgery token was not supplied or was invalid

Setting a Compact Privacy Policy with Django

django cookies p3p

What does header('P3P: CP="CAO PSA OUR"'); do?

php session p3p

Cookie blocked/not saved in IFRAME in Internet Explorer