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New posts in owin

How to use both internal Forms authenticationas well as Azure AD authentication

How to mock HttpContext.Current.GetOwinContext() with Nunit and RhinoMocks?

How can I signal cancellation to Web API actions when the self-hosted OWIN server shuts down?

AuthorizationCodeReceived event not firing

Are these usages of OWIN possible?

Using an existing IoC Container in SignalR 2.0

EntryPointNotFoundException in OWIN

.net owin katana

Package whole C# Console application in one file?

Replace WebActivator PreApplicationStartMethod with OwinStartupAttribute?

Shouldn't OwinStartupAttribute run before global.asax and Application_Start?

Owin get query string parameters

.net owin katana

Cannot shut down and start new SignalR using OWIN Self Host

signalr owin

Problem with OpenIdConnectAuthenticationOptions in Startup.cs (AuthenticationFailed property)

c# authentication owin openid

Mixed mode authentication with OWIN


Ninject dependency for Ninject.Web.WebApi.OwinHost v3.2.x

Azure ADAL Refresh id_token

WIF (Windows Identity Foundation) is still relevant?

Simple Injector get current principal in WebAPI using OWIN

Type 'Startup' already defines a member called 'Configuration' with the same parameter types

c# asp.net asp.net-mvc owin

How to Deploy Owin Self Hosted Application In Production?