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Shouldn't OwinStartupAttribute run before global.asax and Application_Start?

I need to run code before application start and up until now I have used WebActivator to do that but if I understand correctly the OwinStartupAttribute is more suitable for that but the problem for me is that it runs after Application_Start in Global.asax, is this correct or can I configure it to run pre application start?

like image 906
marcus Avatar asked Jul 28 '14 15:07


1 Answers

According to this answer it runs slightly after Application_Start. So if you, just like me need to run code before Application_Start, WebActivator is still the way to go I guess. Do I need a Global.asax.cs file at all if I'm using an OWIN Startup.cs class and move all configuration there?

like image 144
marcus Avatar answered Oct 18 '22 22:10
