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New posts in output-buffering

Is there a way to make PHP progressively output as the script executes?

If you flush the content (ob_flush) of an AJAX request, the content will get loaded?

What are the pros and cons of output buffering?

php output-buffering

Use case for output buffering as the correct solution to "headers already sent"

php output-buffering

ob_get_level() starts at level 1

php buffer output-buffering

How to configure ob_tidyhandler dynamically?

php tidy output-buffering

strange ob_start() behaviour - double output

php output-buffering

How to correctly show output at every echo on all browsers?

Prevent output buffering with PHP and Apache

php apache output-buffering

Does output buffering in PHP require more resources?

php output-buffering

Flush output buffer in Apache/Nginx setup

php nginx output-buffering

Does die() do an ob_end_flush()?

php output-buffering die

PHP - How Detect if Output Buffering is Enabled

php output-buffering

How to fetch the data and display it in a browser simultaneously using PHP and Smarty?

PHP command line output buffer outputs regardless of buffer settings

php output-buffering

What are the risks of increasing the "Maximum Output Buffer size"

PHP Output buffering, Content Encoding Error caused by ob_gzhandler?

php gzip output-buffering

whats the difference between ob_flush and ob_end_flush?

php output-buffering

In PHP, is there a way to capture the output of a PHP file into a variable without using output buffering?

php eval output-buffering

ob_flush takes long time to be executed