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New posts in optional

Swift Codable - How to Initialize an Optional Enum Property in a Failable Manner

Did boost::optional's implicit cast to bool go away?

c++ boost optional

In Swift should I set my optional instance variables to nil when done?

Handling null in java streams with optional

java java-8 null optional

std::optional and polymorphism

c++ optional option-type

Why Java Optional performance increase with number of chained calls?

java performance optional

Wildcard generics of map() method

Rust structs with nullable Option fields

rust optional option-type

Implementing classes that should behave as Optional

java oop optional option-type

Is there an elegant way to unwrap an object wrapped in 2 nested Optionals?

java java-8 optional

Guard not unwrapping optional

swift optional

Why does Optional<T> not implement Supplier<T>?

What is the dash-question mark syntax in TypeScript?

typescript syntax optional

Regarding efficiency: Isn’t .filter(Optional::isPresent).map(Optional::get) better than .flatmap(Optional::stream)?

java java-stream optional

optional type 'Bool' cannot be used as a boolean; Test for '!=nil' instead

swift optional

How to convert Optional String to String

swift optional

Given `T` and `U` where `T extends U` how to return a `U`

java generics optional

Call "Optional#isPresent()" before accessing the value [duplicate]

Optional and casting at the same time

find whether an element exists by a particular tag name in XML

java xml optional tagname