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New posts in optimization

Avoiding for loop in R

When does ifort use optimization flags?

Change vector type using constructors?

c++ optimization vector

Is there a faster way to remove and store an element from an unordered set

Java best practices static final map values [closed]

java optimization

How to measure performance in a C++ (MFC) application?

How to parallelize small pure function?

Most Efficient Way To Get A Row Of Data From DB In ASP.NET

Java memory mystery (do I have a leak)?

Are there compilers that optimise floating point operations for accuracy (as opposed to speed)?

performance consideration when using properties multiple times

Where does the compiler store methods for C++ classes?

Does over-using function calls affect performance? Specifically in Fortran

Building an expression with maximum value

algorithm optimization f#

compare jquery selectors performance

Does a MySQL Primary Key on two columns help with queries on the second column?

Seeking out the optimum size for BufferedInputStream in Java

In java is boolean or integer arithmetic faster?

java optimization

Are built-in functions in R usually optimized?

function r optimization

Suggestions to optimize a simple Scala foldLeft over multiple values?