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New posts in operating-system

What is the significance of the initial value of a semaphore?

Where does memory dynamically allocated reside?

Store value of os.system or os.popen

Memory alignment

Is Deadlock recovery possible in MultiThread programming?

User-space memory editing programs

Make a C# program be able to compile on any operating system

Get file separator in Fortran

Must IRET be used when returning from an interrupt?

How to know current working directory in sftp from python

What Happens when main() function does not return zero

c operating-system

Linux System Call Flow Sequence

Difference between concurrency and simultaneous?

pywintypes.com_error in Python during Excel import

How to use QEMU properly with multi boot headers

How to disable android device usb port

Kernel mode preemption

Java: Ensure that a thread never gets context switched

Will the functions and variables precede with an "_" when compiled using gcc?

c gcc operating-system kernel

How multiple process are able to use STDIN/STDOUT simultaneously?