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New posts in opengl-4

OpenGL, measuring rendering time on gpu

can't compile samples of OpenGL Superbible 7th (unresolved external symbol)

What is the difference between glVertexAttribDivisor and glVertexBindingDivisor?

How can I use OpenGL 4 features through WebGL

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Difference between dFdxFine and dFdxCoarse

opengl glsl shader opengl-4

Render large circular points in modern OpenGL


How should modern OpenGL shaders be written so as to be compatible with each other?

When to use Texture Views

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glDebugMessageCallback causes segfault

c++ opengl opengl-4

How to get the currently bound Vertex Array Object?

opengl opengl-4 vao

difference between SSBO and Image load/store

opengl opengl-4

How do I make this simple OpenGL code (works in a "lenient" 3.3 and 4.2 profile) work in a strict 3.2 and 4.2 core profile?

Is glTexStorage2D imperative when auto generating mipmaps

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gl_VertexID in non-indexed rendering

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(OpenGL 3.1 - 4.2) Dynamic Uniform Arrays?

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How to use VBOs without VAOs with OpenGL core profile?

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What does immutable texture mean?

opengl textures opengl-4

OpenGL4.5 - bind multiple textures and samplers

Performance gain using interleaved attribute arrays in OpenGL4.0