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Is there any version of CvBlobs library which works with cv::Mat?

c++ opencv

Is it possible to use ViBe algorithm, implemented in opencv, for systema without GPU?

HOGDescriptor with videos to recognize objects

OpenCV's calcOpticalFlowPyrLK throws exception

Is stitching module of OpenCV able to stitch images taken from a parallel motion camera?

Print openCV Mat content with certain format in C++

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Cython C++ wrapper operator() overloading error

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How to remove background image with Opencv

c++ opencv

Efficient density function computation

Calculating image gradient direction using OpenCV's Sobel operation

Duplicate contours in opencv

OpenCV C++: How to slow down background adaptation of BackgroundSubtractorMOG?

Find dominant color in a camera frame in OpenCV Android

c++ How to put the video sequence into a vector<Mat> in OpenCV?

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How to increase pixel intensity difference more in image processing?

Android convert byte array from Camera API to color Mat object openCV

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Python can't find openCV

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how to print a text to a frame in opencv-python

python opencv raspberry-pi

Is Dilation/Erosion with fixed kernel for a number of iterations is similar to dilating/eroding with equivalent kernel of bigger size

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OpenCV - copy CUDA device data into GPU Mat

opencv cuda