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Variable in OpenCL kernel 'for-loop' reduces performance


OpenCL with c++ wrapper - how to convert cl::CommandQueue to cl_command_queue?

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GPGPU before CUDA and OpenCL

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When writing openCL code, how does it perform on a single-core machine without a GPU?

OpenCL built-in function 'select'


Parallelism in GPU - CUDA / OpenCL

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GCC: Compiling an OpenCL host on Windows

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What's the difference between clEnqueueMapBuffer and clEnqueueWriteBuffer

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Why are OpenCL work groups 3 dimensional?


Install OpenCL on Ubuntu 14.04 and Nvidia

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How to compile OpenCL Kernels to SPIR-V using Clang

The overhead of a OpenCL or CUDA call?

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The number of coalesced and uncoalesced memory transactions in gpu compute 1.3

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Why doesn't OpenCL support recursion?

recursion opencl

Is There A Way To Upgrade to OpenCL 2.0?


Dense Matrix-vector multiplication in VexCL

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Rationalizing what is going on in my simple OpenCL kernel in regards to global memory

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What can we do with OpenCL?

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What is the right way to call clGetPlatformInfo?


Deploying OpenCL application?

c++ opencl