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Converting stdObject into an array - calling function

Calling a PHP class from within another class

php oop

Should I @Deprecate a Superclass Method? [closed]

Difference in instancing object - C# basic [duplicate]

Create selector dynamically from string

Design pattern for private members access?

c# oop

Is it possible to simulate object/instance methods in C?

c oop

Which is better practice, one client instance for the class or one in each method?

c# .net wcf oop

Accessing "this" inside an object

javascript oop

Using `this` for Parent Function inside a Nested Function

I cannot understand what is `Null` in Dart

c# oop scala dart type-systems

Java advanced Enum with an abstract method and used for branching

java oop enums

Real example for access identifiers [public, protected, private]

java oop design-patterns

Python: Tkinter: Why is it root.mainloop() and not app.mainloop()

python oop tkinter

How is the self argument magically passed to instance methods?

Pythonic way of inheriting many classes?

python class oop inheritance

Call constructor in an abstract class

Returning a private vector

c++ oop vector iterator private

extract a substring from a string in smalltalk (squeak)

oop smalltalk squeak

Trying to use object oriented javascript and AJAX

javascript ajax oop