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How do I mix ontologies that describe the same object (using rdfa?)

Instances vs Classes in RDFS

rdf semantic-web ontology rdfs

Ontology-based string classification

SPARQL query to retrieve all objects and properties

sparql ontology sesame

What is the difference between dublin core terms and dublin core elements vocabularies

Semantic Web resources for a new web site? [closed]

rdf semantic-web ontology

SPARQL Querying multiple ORs in the same filter

Representing if-then sentence using OWL?

ontology owl

How to use alternative/new ontologies on an existing data set

What is the owl:Nothing class designed to do?

How to import specific classes and object properties from an ontology in Protege?

owl ontology protege

In Ruby or Python can the very concept of Class be rewritten?

OWL Class and Subclass Property Inheritance

rdf owl ontology rdfs

Ontology: OWL - Creating connections between classes

taxonomy ontology owl protege

How to create an ontology in Java?

java jena ontology

How to query Classes with Object Property in Sparql

rdf sparql ontology owl rdfs

can we use owl:SameAs between two predicates?

rdf ontology owl

Which Triplestore for rapid semantic web development?

What is the difference between an Information Model and an Ontology?

how can I recognize object properties vs datatype properties?

ontology owl protege