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How to install english.pickle for nltk on an off line Linux machine

python linux offline nltk pickle

How do I install the Nuget provider for PowerShell on a offline machine?

powershell nuget offline

html5 offline caching with php driven sites

Content disappears for fraction of a second on offline web app load

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How can I download a PyPI package for pip installation at a later date?

python pip offline pypi

Use offline voice-to-text in Android 4.1 (Jelly Bean) from my application?

OSMDroid Loading Custom Offline tiles From Assets Folder

android offline osmdroid

Conflict resolution?

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Firebase + React Native: Offline authentication

Cache manifest offline app not refreshing javascript files in Chrome

javascript manifest offline

Offline Android Dev Guide

Storing REST requests with service workers to sync them

How to check device is Online or Offline Phonegap

Download images and save locally on iPhone Phonegap app

"DOMException: Entry was not found" when putting large responses to Cache Storage

Offline (CD, Thumb Drive, etc) No-Install HTML + Video Presentation?

Laravel: Offline Mode?

Can we install Kubernetes in a complete offline mode with kubeadm?

kubernetes offline kubeadm