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New posts in offline-caching

If (Internet == unavailable) in HTML5 app manifest offiline app

Using RPC serialization/deserialization mechanism built in GWT

Where does UIWebView store HTML5 offline files?

Service/extension for getting a cache-busting 'version string'

how to configure a manifest file

Best Approach Today for Offline Web Apps

Does sw-precache activation of new service worker guarantees cache busting?

How to implement offline capable Single Page Application with Breeze.js and HTML5 local storage

How does facebook or instagram app retain images or data after entering the app with no internet connection?

android offline-caching

adding service worker to reactjs app

Use relay cache data on react-native app while fresh data is being fetched

Service Worker not registering on gh-pages hosted website

Using Ajax with Offline Cache

HTML5 offline caching

html offline-caching

How do I specify a wildcard in the HTML5 cache manifest to load all images in a directory?